Friday, April 8, 2011


As many of you know, GG was diagnosed with Leukemia about 2 weeks ago. Since the sudden diagnosis, her prognosis has taken a turn for the absolute worse :( This past weekend GG was having trouble doing the simplest of tasks. She was taken by ambulance into the hospital where it was discovered that she is in end-stage Leukemia.

This has been an absolute shock and heart breaking to the family. Aunt Monte has flown in from Alaska and GG's brother, Uncle Paul and his family drove in from Iowa. It was March 1st that she went in for here monthly check up and the doctors told her she was doing great. 5 short weeks later we have admitted GG into hospice care where we are told she only has days to live. Our hearts are breaking and I can only ask God to take her into his loving arms peacefully and painlessly.

It is so difficult to explain to your two little boys that we need to say our final goodbyes to our beloved GG. Austin is taking it rather hard, begging and pleading with us to not let GG go up to Heaven and that he would like GG to stay with us always. I have explained and will continue to explain that GG will always be with us... in our hearts and our memories. In every piece of pumpkin roll and peanut brittle that we make during the holidays. Every time the boys put on their knitted mouse slippers that GG made for them this past Christmas. Every time I read Soap Digest to get a sneak peak on whats going to happen on "The Young and the Restless". When I go to give the boys "feather tickles" on their backs. GG has blessed us with so many wonderful memories. We will cherish every moment that we have left with her in her final days. I have to laugh... when GG was asked whose guardian angel she was going to be, she responded.. "Not Heather's, she is way too much work!" :) Love ya GG!

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