Monday, October 27, 2008

Austin, our little helper!

Here is a video of Austin feeding Colin. Too cute!

Beautiful Fall Days

This morning we took Austin to get a hair cut and after that we enjoyed some time at the park. We've got to enjoy these mild days while they last. Ania took a couple of pictures of me and the boys hanging out. Amelia was there too.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Fun

I realize it's not quite Halloween, but there is still lots of Halloween activities going on! Here is a video of the boys in their costumes. Austin is a dragon and Colin is a monkey (aka "chunky monkey").

It's baby shower time!

We celebrated two baby showers last week. Above is a picture from Ania's baby shower. Ania is due to have a little boy this November! Here's a picture from Anne's baby shower. Alexis, Annette, Anne, myself and Ania get together once a week for a fun play date with the kids. Anne's baby boy arrived about a week after her baby shower on Friday, November 24th. Jack Svalstad was born around 7:45 pm weighing in at 9 lbs! Congrats to Anne, Phil and Brooke! Here's the proud grandmas together. Congrats to Donna and Jimmy as well!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Boys will be boys!

Just when you think they can't make a cuter pair of pajamas.... they do!!! And what do they say??? Lil" Stinker, right on Colin's bum! :o)
Mom's, watch your daughters, here are the Lucius boys!
Winter is right around the corner. Gotta love cute winter hats!

Now that it's gotten a little colder, we have to find indoor activities for the boys. We take the boys to Monkey Bizness for some "bounce house" fun.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Congrats to Nate and Valerie Lelek!

Joel's cousin Nate got married to Valerie this past weekend. Congrats to the new
Mr. and Mrs. Lelek!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Lucius Family Dinner :)

So here is a picture of Colin with his "hand getting caught in the cookie jar". Actually, it was his apple sauce bowl! I looked away for less than 5 seconds and this is what happened. Enjoy the pics. In the pic above he is saying... "Did I do that???"
Now he is saying... "Yes, I did... and it was good!"
"Hey...What do you think???"
"Ha ha, Mom and Dad! Now I have to get a bubble bath. Yay, I win!!!!" (Colin loves bubble baths)

Sorry the video was sideways, but it's still cute :)