Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Colorado weather!!! Gotta love it :)

You would never know it was the end of February in Colorado by these pics. The temperature was nearly 70 degrees today! Here are the boys playing at the park. We met Ania, Amelia and Alan for a park play date!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Play Group

Our Friday play group has been growing larger and larger by the month... literally. What once was 5 children, is now a group of 10! Don't ask me how we managed to get all the kids to sit still and pose for this picture, but miracles do happen :)
On the couch from left to right is Colin, Beckett, Alan, Amelia, Brooke, Liam, Austin, Lorin. On the floor is Jack (left) and Lily (right).

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hanging out with the Little Lucius'

Austin's nightly routine consists of brushing his teeth, washing his face and hands and reading several books. Last night Grandma got the pleasure of reading his favorite books! Oh and notice how Grandma has red heart stickers all over her face... That's thanks to Austin.
And what are his favorite books.... well, it's "Walter the Farting Dog" (yes, they really make a series of books about Walter the FARTING Dog) and "10 Rowdy Ravens".Colin and I decided to join in on the fun. Austin is in a Big Boy Bed now!

Colin does not grasp on to the concept of relaxing and reading a book. Colin thinks it's time to play any time of day! And Austin's bed is like one big play yard!
Here's Austin at a play date last week.
Colin loves to play "Horsey" on my knees.
Austin is my little monkey man!