Friday, August 28, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Austin!!!

Austin woke up this morning a whole year older! I cannot believe he is 3 years old! Where has the time gone? His first words to me were... "Can we have Birthday Cake?"
I made Austin a special Birthday breakfast. Chocolate chip pancakes!!!!
However, I think Colin enjoyed them a little more than his big brother ;)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Life is Busy!!!

Melissa and I took the kids to a water park called Pirates Cove.... We had a wonderful time! Next time, however, I will probably make sure that I take Joel with me :) My boys are a handful in the water... they really have NO FEAR!
Here they are taking a snack break
Colin... just moments after dunking his entire head under the water!
He's getting SO BIG!
Look at these sweeties!

Here's the boys in the pool that grandma and grandpa got for them.

Austin took a minute to pose with me... a VERY rare occasion!

Friday, August 7, 2009

The kids on the caroulsel go round and round...

Grandma and I took the boys grocery shopping... the only highlight of the trip was the 50 cent carousel ride. The rest was more like a nightmare. Here's Colin giving grandma a thank you kiss.

They are such handsome little fellas. Note to self... wait till the end of the shopping trip to allow the boys to ride on the carousel. DO NOT do it in the middle. The last half of the shopping trip will include screaming, crying and begging at the top of Austin's lungs to go back and ride the horses!