Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Here's to 5 more my love!

Joel and I celebrated our 5 year Anniversary on September 3rd. So many wonderful memories and so many more to come. We are truly blessed my love. Thank you so much for this wonderful life. The hard times and the good have made us stronger. Our love grows more with each breath that we take together in our journey as a family. Here's a look back at some of our good times over the past 5 years.Here we are in Rome. And at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris,

And in the gardens of Versailles.Here we are in Cabo San Lucas with a 3 month old little Austin!Precious Austin...
Adorable Colin...

And us... the Lucius Family :) Thank you for 5 wonderful years and these beautiful little boys!

Back to School!

Here's the boy's excited for their first day back to school. Austin had to have Spider Man everything,,, backpack and lunch box. Colin wasn't as concerned.Check out Colin's personalized backpack. His Great Aunt Wilma got it for him :) Here's Colin with his new pals, Parker and Ryan.
He didn't even notice me leaving nor did he care... But when it came to nap time, Colin is not cooperative at all. I have now gotten 2 phone calls to pick him up b/c he is so upset. Colin was supposed to be my easy child !?!

Austin's big Birthday Bash!

Austin celebrated his 3rd Birthday Hula style, with about 30 of his school, play date and neighborhood friends... 45 of their parents... for a grand total of 75ppl. So much for trying to keep things intimate :-)We had a casual sandwich table and a pasta bar served with lemonade for the little kiddos and Sangria for the big kiddos.Austin chose a 'Football' cake for the occasion. Costco really wooed our guests with a delightful white cake filled with chocolate moose and topped with a cream cheese frosting. It was a big hit!
We filled the backyard with tons of fun gym equipment from my work and set out several art crafts for the kids.Austin was quite the cutie pie... he loved having all his friends over, and of course being the center of attention!

Colin wasn't quite sure what to think of all the ruckus.

However, Colin did enjoy the cake :)
I painted a little hula portrait for the kids and adults to take their pictures in,

Thanks to my wonderful mom's who made this party possible! Don't know what we'd do without them. Love you two!

Some of the gang from Austin's school.

And of course Austin's long time friends (practically family :)
Hey, I gotta try to get a pic with him... so much for a big smile. He just wanted to get back to playing.

We love the Lynch family... Look at those lovely little ladies! Penny and Brian sure do have their hands full... litter ally!

Here's the boys the morning after... we were off to our 3rd BDay Party of the weekend (out of 4)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Birthday at Grandma's house...

We celebrated Austin's Birthday night over at Grandma and Grandpa Ellsworth's house. We enjoyed a fabulous dinner and of course, Austin's only birthday request, birthday cake :) Here's Austin's Birthday smile... isn't it just splendid ;) He was practicing all week!

Colin has mastered using a fork and spoon. Especially when it come to cake!
Amelia came over to celebrate with us :) Such a cute pic!

Aunt Monte got Austin a bug book...He was very excited! But the surprise hit of the night was the battery operated Spider Man toothbrush that Nana Fran got him.... Had I known that a toothbrush would make him so excited, I would've gotten it ages ago!

Austin and I serving up a little cheese!