Sunday, September 7, 2008

Austin, Amelia and Liam have a 2nd Birthday Bash!

Annette, Ania and I threw a very large birthday party for Liam, Amelia and Austin this weekend. We rented a park and had a large bounce house set up for the kids to play in. There were nearly 100 guests. It was an awesome party!

Here's Austin, Amelia and Liam chowing down on their cupcakes. Below is the bounce house that we got for the day.

Trying to get a good pic was a little difficult. The kids were in having so much fun!

Kisses. I love theses kiddos so much!

Austin, Brody and Amelia

One of my favorite families! Phil, Brooke, Grandma Donna, and Anne.

Here's Alexis and Annette.

Here's some of Austin's other plygroup friends. Tammy and Julia are in the front and Brad, Lorin and Claudine are behind them.

Our new neighbors showed up for the fun. Nicole, Taylor, Rob, Brittany, Justin and Tammy. Baby Drew is in the stroller. He's a couple of weeks younger than Colin!

Eliana, Veronica, Melissa, Hayden, Kim, myself and GG strike a pose!

Could these ladies be any lovlier? Here's Penny and Nora. Penny is expecting baby #3 next Spring!

Swinging away. The higher the better!

How cute is this picture?! Colin loves his Grandmas!

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