Thursday, December 22, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Well, in typical Colorado form... It's 3 days before Christmas and Mother Nature hits us with a Winter storm bringing 14 inches of snow!!!   The boys decided to make a snow fort in the front yard.  Colin lasted approximately 5 minutes... Which was longer than myself.  We are just not a cold weather family!  I just don't get the whole cold thing...  I would much rather be sitting by a pool baking in the sun.  Now that I posted these pics, I think I'll go run the hair dryer over my feet for the next 10 minutes to try and warm up :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Colin's Christmas Program 2011

Here is Colin with his teacher Mrs. Kim :)  He just loves Mrs. Kim's class!!!
Of course Colin had to practice before the real deal! :)  And what better place to practice?
We practice at the dinner table in our underwear!!!
And here he is performing for all the parents!
Haha... I was going through some old videos and I found this video of Austin signing the same song, same age at the same school!!!

Gingerbread Cookie Tree

  The boys and I got into our Christmas Spirit by decorating a Gingerbread Cookie Tree.  Not sure exactly how much of the frosting actually made it to the tree though!

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Thanksgiving 2011

The boys love hanging with Kyle!
We spent Thanks Giving at Uncle Jon and Aunt Carol's!

Good Food and Company makes for a wonderful holiday!!!  However, this is our first Thanksgiving without GG... We miss her tremendously but she will always be with us in our hearts!

Austin and his Turkey legs... This is serious business!

The house is coming together nicely!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

New Home Project 2011

I feel as though Joel and I have been gypsies over the past 5 years.  After doing the math, we have moved 9 times since we started dating in 2000!  And 5 of those moves have been since Austin was born.  We were more than ready to find a place called home!  Well we finally found it!  It was a diamond in the rough, but from the moment I walked in... I knew this was our families home!  We closed on November 10th, completely renovated the home in one week and our move date was November 20th!  We are not quite done yet, but we have all the time in the world now because this is our home :)

Here is the color of the boys room 
before and after!

This is the color the ENTIRE house was!!! 


Thanks to my Nana Fran, Papa Steve and Papa Craig, we were able to tone down the lovely shade of mustard to a more soothing taupe tone... We were able to accomplish a whole lot in a little time!!!  And thanks to Grandma Linda for watching the rugrats while we did some renovation!  I am not sure which job is harder ;)

Here are some pics from the home project... New wood, carpet and slate flooring.  All new paint to the walls, trim and doors.  New window coverings, doggie door/ramp, light fixtures, toilet installation...  Too many things to go into detail!  Sorry some of the pics are sideways... blogger uploads them the wrong way and I have NO idea how to fix it!!!