Saturday, May 22, 2010

An afternoon at the park! Spring has finally arrived!

Here Austin is climbing his first tree!

These are the donkeys that live on the farm across the street from our house.

More farm pictures.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just when we thought he was fine and.....

BAMM!!! We had to spend the night at the Children's Hospital :( He was so severely dehydrated that we had to take him to the hospital for the night. Here he is attached to an IV. Absolutely no fun at all. But Colin was a sweet champion. Every nurse that came into contact with him had to tell us how "CUTE" he is! Even when he's sick he still manages to pull the "Colin Cuteness"!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Poor Colin has been suffering from the stomach flu for 4 days now :( He is not back to 100%, but he is making slow and steady strides to a full recovery. Here he is enjoying some calm after a very crazy storm.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mom's Day 2010

It was an epically beautiful day today. We are finally moved into the new house so we hosted a Mother's Day brunch (and don't worry... the moms made the delicious food ;) GG, all the grand parents and Uncle Jon joined us for the beautiful day!
This is the new swing set we got for the boys.
And here is the rock climbing tower with a very happy Colin.

Uh oh.... who's trying to sneak a lick???? COLIN (gasp)??? NEVER!!!